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mitigation measure meaning in Hindi

mitigation measure sentence in Hindi

प्रशमन उपाय
mitigation    अल्पीकरण कमी घटाव
measure    माप मापक यंत्र
1.The sooner, the better, because it allows farmers to take mitigation measures.

2.The mitigation measures being advocated are destocking, zero grazing, controlled burning.

3.As one mitigation measure, a constructed wetland was established in 2004.

4.Environmental impact studies, initiated in 2005 and concluded in 2007, identified mitigation measures.

5.The Times Square station will be rehabilitated with congestion mitigation measures.

6.From these systematic analyses, mitigation measures-or actions taken to reduce the risk-are developed.

7.Further, the CPUC instituted mitigation measures to further reduce the risk of fire.

8.Mitigation measures were put in place, however pollution eventually reached the River Irvine.

9.On a national level, governments might implement large scale mitigation measures.

10.The TRPA Regional Plan allows for a measured rate of residential, mitigation measures.

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How to say mitigation measure in Hindi and what is the meaning of mitigation measure in Hindi? mitigation measure Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Hindlish.com.